ESD means Electronic Software Distribution. You purchase the program and download it through Internet in minutes. E-commerce makes it possible to buy all kinds of services and goods on the Internet. Only a few kinds of products can be actually delivered online: software, music, books... Electronic Software Distribution, is growing steadily and according to estimates is likely to account for as much as 40% of all global software sales by the year 2008.
ESD allows you to purchase much the same content, quality and benefits as with boxed software. Instead of receiving a CD you download the software from a server, and then make your own backup copy, which we highly recommend. Product keys will be provided during your purchase to authenticate your copy.
About Flight1 - Reality XP authorized Flight1 to accept credit card orders world-wide and to send ESD products directly. This ESD system and its servers are based in the USA. Flight1 is an online order fulfillment service for digital goods merchants on the Internet, specialized for Microsoft Flight Simulator products. It is a self-service registration, resell, and payment site for publishers of software, and other electronic goods.
Software firewalls are the most problem when users get Internet connection error messages. In our opinion, Windows XP firewall in SP2 is entirely capable, and is fully compatible with our software. However, a very small percentage of users have installed 3rd party sofware firewalls. If these are not properly configured it may make it so you can't connect to our servers when you want to purchase or reinstall. If you are running a non-default firewall, make sure it is fully configured to allow the Flight1 wrapper application you downloaded the ability to communicate on the internet. If you have tried to reconfigure your firewall and it still does not work, then try to disable that firewall altogether and reboot. In worst case scenarios, poorly designed firewall software programs may have to be fully removed from your system, and in some extreme cases, you may have to do a system restore from a previous restore point in order to get your machine to operate properly.
In other cases, there may simply be problems on the Internet between your computer and our server, especially if you are a great distance from the Eastern USA. Please try again after a short period as the problem may clear up on its own.
For additional help, please visit e-commerce service and support portal.
Unfortunately, one of the most common issues when people can't get software to run is interference from a Virus or Spyware scanner. Although they do good things, in many cases they can interrupt programs you may want to run. If you get an error message that does not appear to be from the downloaded EXE, you need to make sure your virus or spyware scanner is disabled prior to running the EXE. If you are concerned about this, you can scan the file prior to running it, and then after your purchase, if you are prompted to automatically run the setup application, select No, then manually scan the setup application. This is usually extracted right after your purchase is made.
False-Positive reports with software is common. If you have special concerns, please submit a customer service ticket and we will try to help.